The animation was very good, the idea was original
and you have a very good sense of humor, but these movies were just too short to really amount to anything. If they were longer, It'd have gotten a 10. Not to say this isn't very good work.
The animation was very good, the idea was original
and you have a very good sense of humor, but these movies were just too short to really amount to anything. If they were longer, It'd have gotten a 10. Not to say this isn't very good work.
Yeah well, what can I say.. they're supposed to be shorts :) My next movie will be at least 6 minutes long, so eh.
William. Some people just don't want to be reminded in such saccarine ways of what an atomic bomb can do to a person. We know. Either they're incinerated by the blast, crushed from the falling rubble, or they die of radiation poisoning. Please, for the love of whatever nonexistant being that lives in the clouds that I don't believe in, Lighten up. And please don't reply in a pacifistic, calm, infuriating response. Just lighten up, and try not to being people down. Dammit.
that pretty much describes it.
no no no.
Blues wouldnt give up like that. He'd beat the shit outta that punk for that.
eh, he'll come back to kick megaman's ass in the sequel
me like.
nice... well made, interesting sound. it was good.
I hate America. Plain and simple. Hate hate hate.
But still, I'm not a pathetic loser sitting in his moms basemant with hundreds of cats, being a little Nazi fucker saying complete bullshit like AmErIcA SuX OsAmA RoOlZ!!!
granted, america does suck, and bush is a fuckin moron, but it's not what happened to stupid ass america on 9/11 that gets me, it sucks that those PEOPLE had to die. not AMERICANS, PEOPLE.
I'm not proud of being an American citizen, and hell, I dont like America in at all, but I will say, that I go out for the people who died, lost friends and family, or helped those in need. I praise you for such a moving flash. good job.
I want to drag you from your bed at night, pull you to the middle of the street, and brutally murder you, you sick little shit. Good job though, and keep it up! :)
All you need is one glass of beer (preferably domestic), one handkerchief (preferably white), and one kitchen knife (preferably stabby.)
Soon-to-be Drifter
not voulantarily...
Joined on 10/20/02